Home Activities

Wherever YOU are, MYVoice activities will meet you there! MYVoice welcomes young people who are living in group homes, residential treatment centers, shelters, foster homes, juvenile detention, with relatives/kin, in adoptive/pre-adoptive homes, and who are living on their own.


Want to get paid to write a short book review of a book that is by, for, or about young people in foster care or adoption?

Through MYVoice READS, we'll mail you the book of your choice from our extensive book list! The book is free (of course) and you get to keep it (of course). PLUS, if you choose to write a short review (only one paragraph!) you'll earn $15! (Limit $30/month for this program)

Download the current MYVoice Reads Book List (PDF).



MYVoice Interactive

Each month we have a new youth-chosen theme. Submit art on that theme (or whatever inspires you) and get paid!

Your art can be a drawing, video, painting, collage, poem, sculpture, photograph, song, or anything you feel is art!

Signed releases are required before any art is shared publicly.

  • Requirements for Art Submissions

    • Please be a Minnesota youth age 12-22 with experience in the foster care, child welfare, and/or adoption systems
    • Please create 1-2 original artworks on this month's theme
    • Submit a photograph of a​ drawing, painting, collage, sculpture, etc. (There are some restrictions on what photos we can share publicly, please contact us with any questions on this)
    • Submit a poem or other written piece
    • Submit a short video, dance, song, or audio recording
    • Submit all digital files to myvoice@ampersandfamilies.org or text to 612-695-4328. You will receive a confirmation after your artwork is received.

    You will be mailed a $15 pre-paid Visa per artwork, limit $30 per youth per month for this program

    In order for your art to be shared, you must submit a signed release form in addition to your artwork. If you are under 18 years old, I will send you a release form for your caregiver/parent/worker to complete on your behalf. 

    After submitting your art, MYVoice and Ampersand Families may include your piece in various public forums, such as our websites, social media accounts, and educational presentations.

MYVoice Writes

Writing is a great way to organize your thoughts, explore your feelings, and stay in touch with the people you care about!

With a MYVoice Writing Kit, you receive a hardcover lined journal, affirmation cards, a pen/pencil with mesh storage pouch, a fidget, plus blank cards, envelopes, and postage stamps.


MYVoice Art Kits

Choose from our currently available art kits:

  • Acrylic Paints with paint, brushes, palette, and paper
  • Air-Dry Clay with 20+ colors of clay and modeling tools
  • Beaded Friendship Bracelets with a whole array of colors and letters
  • Embroidery Floss Bracelets with 5 colors of embroidery thread and a how-to book
  • Colored Pencils with a sketch book and a how-to draw book (choose between: "3-D Illusions" or "Cute Things" books)
  • Paper Mosaic Kit with multicolor paper squares, glue stick, and blank paper
  • Watercolor Pencils with wet/dry colored pencils, brushes, and watercolor paper

Order Kits

If you have participated in MYVoice previously, just fill out this form and we'll take it from there! If you're brand new to MYVoice, please complete this short online intake form first, and then place your order here. Due to the awesome volume of requests received, items are mailed every two weeks and may take up to three weeks to arrive.

Order Kits

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